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How to Create a Lesson

To create a lesson in Beaver, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the Lessons tab in Beaver.
  2. Click on the "+" button to create a new lesson deck.

Once you've created a lesson deck, you can start adding content to it. A lesson in Beaver can consist of multiple screens, and each screen can have multiple containers. Here are the container types available in Beaver:

  • Header: Use this container to add a title or heading to your screen.
  • Multi-Select Checkbox: This container allows your learners to select multiple options from a list of choices.
  • Single-Select Checkbox: This container allows your learners to select only one option from a list of choices.
  • Image: Use this container to add an image to your screen. You can upload an image from your computer.
  • Text Box: This container allows you to add text to your screen. You can format your text using Markdown format.

With these container types, you can create engaging and interactive lessons that keep your learners interested and help them retain the information better.